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Industry focus on health and safety unwavering as global workforce and capacity grows


As installed offshore wind capacity increases around the world, and the global workforce grows, industry health and safety body G+ highlights the need for continuous monitoring of operations in offshore environments in its latest report.

The G+ Offshore Wind Health and Safety Organisation’s Incident Data Report 2019 reveals a general trend of improvement in the health and safety of the sector, but also shows the need for industry vigilance as the reported number of injuries rises.

Restricted work day injuries and medical treatment injuries fell in 2019 when compared to 2018, but the total recordable injury rate (TRIR) rose. As with previous years, no fatalities occurred.

Commenting, G+ Board of Directors Chair Tove Lunde said:

“Despite significant progress made in 2018, we are disappointed with our 2019 incident data. While the difference is in part driven by a change in the metrics used to collate and analyse the data, it is nonetheless still a focus for attention and action.

“G+ and its members have been working with the wider supply chain to ensure the lessons learned from these incidents are made freely available, as well as establish whether appropriate G+ guidance was in place and followed.

“We continue to work tirelessly to improve the industry’s safety performance, building our international collaboration and embracing new regions, cultures, and rapidly developing technologies.”

As part of the drive to ensure lessons learned from these incidents are made freely available, G+ is continuing to make safety incident lessons available through Toolbox, the Energy Institute’s free-to-use incident lessons platform.

A G+ Operations Group has also been established to act as a focal point for Operations Directors to share learnings and experience across operational sites, complementing the existing G+ Safety Champions group which is for Project Directors of sites under construction.

The report also includes regional incident data from the countries in which G+ members operate. As such, information from sites situated in Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom and the United States is available.

Notes for editors

  1. For media enquiries contact Neil Michie on 020 7467 7132 or
  2. The 2019 Incident Data Report is available at:
  3. Safety incident lessons related to offshore wind have been added to Toolbox, which can be accessed for free at:
  4. G+ is the global health and safety organisation for the offshore wind industry. The Energy Institute provides the secretariat and supports the ongoing work of the G+.
    We bring together business leaders, health and safety experts and organisations operating in the offshore wind industry to drive good practice and promote world-class safety performance across the sector.
    Through an evidence based approach, we ensure key emerging risks are mitigated through co-operation and shared learnings, aiming for the highest levels of health and safety standards being pursued throughout the life cycle of offshore wind farms.
    We engage on important industry matters by facilitating discussion and bringing together industry stakeholders to speak with one voice for the offshore wind industry.
  5. The Energy Institute (EI) is the not-for-profit chartered professional membership body bringing together expertise to tackle urgent global challenges.
    Responding to the climate emergency while meeting the energy needs of the world’s growing population calls for energy to be better understood, managed and valued. This ambition is at the heart of our social purpose.
    We are a global, independent network of professionals spanning the world of energy, convening and facilitating debate, championing evidence and sharing fresh ideas, giving voice to issues of concern and where necessary challenging the industry we work with.