Welcome to the Nigeria YPN branch page
The EI YPN Nigeria (currently headquartered in Lagos), is the local chapter of the global EI YPN. Officially launched in 2019.
Our Mission
“To provide young professionals in the energy industry with the right learning, networking and opportunities required to meet the urgent and growing energy needs, both in Nigeria and globally.”
We simply provide young professionals with the right opportunities through mentorship, networking and training in the energy industry.
To contact the branch, please email ypnnigeria@energyinst.org.
Committee contacts
Events and training
Sorry, there are no events showing at the moment. Please check back as this page is updated regularly. For other events or training courses, visit the What's on section.
Publications and documents
No files have been uploaded yet. Please check back as this page is updated regularly.
What's new?
‘Ambitious policy’ is needed to support decarbonisation of the global buildings sector, says ETC
The global buildings sector currently contributes a third of greenhouse gas emissions (12.3 GtCO2 in 2022), according to the International Energy Agen...
China installs new record of 24 GW in Belt and Road power projects
This record number marks a doubling of the capacity installed in 2023 and defines the highest level of investment since the launch of the B&R Init...
North Africa set to lead in global green hydrogen development
The report reveals that North African countries in the region formerly known as the Barbary coast, including Algeria and Morocco, plus Egypt, are lead...
Funding secured for Africa’s largest onshore wind project
The syndicated loan consists of a $200mn A loan from the EBRD and $75mn in B loans from Arab Bank and Standard Chartered. The project is being co-fina...
Global wind workforce requires major expansion to meet 2028 targets
In 2023, global new wind power installations surpassed the 100 GW milestone for the first time, including 105.6 GW of onshore wind and 10.8 GW of offs...