Welcome to the London and Home Counties YPN page
The YPN is part of the Energy Institute acting as ‘the hub for tomorrow’s energy leaders.’ Our mission is to draw together cross-discipline energy professionals from diverse backgrounds to learn about and discuss key energy issues. We provide a platform from which they can grow and develop whilst building strong multidisciplinary networks, spanning the whole energy sector.
The London and Home Counties YPN was set up in 2013 and has gone from strength to strength. We organise seminars, panel discussions and networking events to bring together young professionals from all sectors of the industry. All professionals are welcome to attend our events. In most cases they are free to attend but have limited availability and places are issued on a first come first served basis.
Hear about our upcoming events first by signing up to our YPN mailing list. Just login or sign up for an EI account and subscribe from the My preferences page
To contact the branch, please email ypnlondonhc@energyinst.org.
Committee contacts
Radhika Badiani
Committee Member
Events and training
Sorry, there are no events showing at the moment. Please check back as this page is updated regularly. For other events or training courses, visit the What's on section.
Publications and documents
What's new?
North Sea oil and gas field developments delayed while third runway at Heathrow airport proposed: a week in the life of the UK energy transition
Scottish court ruling on North Sea oil and gas fieldsFirst, a Scottish Court of Session ruled that government development consents for the...
BP and JERA join forces to create top-tier global offshore wind joint venture
The new company will be called JERA Nex BP. It will have a total 13 GW of potential net generating capacity, comprising some 1 GW of operating assets,...
New Indonesian President signs off $7bn gas project while reaffirming 2050 net zero target
The $7bn Tangguh Ubadari CCUS Compression (UCC) project will comprise development of the Ubadari gas field, enhanced gas recovery through CCUS and ons...
Historic London flats bust heat pump myths as plans for UK’s biggest district heating network unveiled
Constructed in 1913, the Sutton Dwellings estate in Chelsea is the oldest social housing block in the UK to adopt a networked heat pump system. The re...
Shell wins appeal against court order to cut GHG emissions
The 2021 mandate had required Shell to cut its net carbon emissions across Scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 45% this decade, compared to 2019 levels. This include...