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‘Virtual household’ offers consumers energy saving advice worth £100s


Against the backdrop of the ongoing cost of living crisis, the Energy Institute and MoneySavingExpert have today joined forces toEnergyAware help the public reduce their energy use and costs this winter.

The pair have today launched a free-to-use virtual household on the MoneySavingExpert website, where consumers can become more knowledgeable about the everyday steps anyone can take in the home to bring down energy use, bills and emissions.

Transporting users on an interactive virtual home tour, users can pop in and out of the kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom, see how much common appliances and gadgets cost to run and discover key ways to cut back on their energy use.

This version of EI’s Energy Aware virtual home tool can be accessed from today on the MoneySavingExpert website.

In the EI’s Energy Barometer survey last summer, sixty percent of the energy experts surveyed from the EI’s membership urged ministers to back a public information and behaviour change campaign as an essential part of the response to the energy crisis.

EI chief executive Dr Nick Wayth CEng FEI said:

“With energy costs rising this winter, there’s a misconception out there that the government has capped household bills. It’s actually the price per unit that’s capped – meaning we can still pay less if we use less.  

“It’s not about going cold, but nor is it always obvious where to start or what’s best – and that’s EnergyAware Graphicwhy we’re partnering with MoneySavingExpert to encourage people to go online to become EnergyAware.

“Our immersive tool is free, quick, easy and can help householders cut their bills immediately and for good.

“If consumers pick up just one way to change their behaviour when it comes to reducing their energy use at home, then we will have made the difference we set out to.”

Gary Caffell, head of energy at MoneySavingExpert, said:

“Switching energy supplier will not save people money right now, so reducing energy usage is the main way to save on bills.

“This new tool is an engaging and interactive way to find out how to use less energy in our homes. Some things you may already be doing, and that's great, but hopefully everyone will be able to take away something new from the tool to put into action in their own homes. While some tips may seem small in isolation, they can all add up to savings of £100s on your bill – vital amid a cost of living crisis.

“We hope this, alongside the abundance of free MoneySaving energy help available on, will help consumers to tool up with context and knowledge in these difficult times.”

EnergyAware was created by leading energy management experts from the EI, the professional membership body which aims to create a better energy future for society. The free-to-use version available from today is just a small section of the full tool, which is fully customisable and created to support staff engagement by companies seeking to reduce their own energy use and emissions, including the John Lewis Partnership.

The EI also provides one of the most extensive portfolios of energy management training – in classroom and online in the UK and around the world – as well as accrediting individuals to become Chartered Energy Manager, the gold standard qualification in energy management.

Notes for editors