Energy efficiency

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Energy efficiency could deliver 40% of the emissions abatement required by the Paris Agreement climate goals

Energy provides a host of useful services, but some methods of delivering those services use more energy than others. This measure of useful output for each unit of energy input is termed energy efficiency, and efforts to systematically improve efficiency are an important aspect of energy management. Energy efficiency  is sometimes referred to as the “first fuel” since advancements in efficiency can achieve demand savings that displace energy generation that would otherwise be required. Improvements in energy efficiency can be achieved at many levels of the energy system, from generation facilities to home appliances and transport vehicles. Improved efficiency can lower energy costs without compromising the quality of energy products and services provided, and is consistently identified as one of the lowest-cost ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Efficiency programmes can also maintain system reliability without needing to install, upgrade, or replace transmission and distribution equipment, and contribute to greater energy security by reducing dependence on energy imports. While economic growth will likely demand increased services provided by energy, there is clear potential to sustain growth without necessarily increasing energy consumption, through efficiency improvements that are both cost-effective and widely available.

Energy management, as it involves assessing energy use and developing programmes to increase efficiency and reduce costs, is becoming an expanded focus of increasing importance for business strategy in the changing energy system. The availability of innovative, affordable technologies – in heating, lighting, insulation, small scale power generation and smart flexibility – is opening up myriad opportunities for better managing how we use energy. Those taking on business roles that involve energy management, including energy managers as well as sustainability consultants and facilities managers, guide investments in such technologies, redesign processes, retrofit buildings and equipment, and plan energy-related systems for new projects. They also assist businesses and other organisations in complying with legal energy and carbon reporting obligations that are getting more stringent in line with increasing environmental concerns. In tackling these complex challenges, energy management professionals need to pull levers across energy supply, efficiency, generation, demand management and behaviour change. Skilled, knowledgeable energy management professionals will achieve the most effective, enduring outcomes towards a global low carbon, efficient energy system.

Training image


Undertake our full core training courses and gain Level 1, 2 and 3 qualifications in energy managementBite-sized modules are also available online and in-house training can be organised for your team.

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Professional recognition

Gain recognition by joining the Energy Institute as a member and apply to be a chartered energy manager, your company can join in its own right too. Achieve verification of your expertise in providing energy efficiency advice by joining our Register of Professional Energy Consultants. Put yourself forward for our Energy Management Leader of the year award or enter a team project for our Energy Management EI Award.

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Engagement tools

Change behaviour towards energy management in your organisation by using our tools: Understanding your energy culture and EnergyAware.

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Online resources

Check out our Energy and carbon management collection and our Lighting Guide. Visit our ESOS resources and find a Lead Assessor. Brush up on your knowledge of energy management using our eLibraryCPD articles and latest news and articles.

What's new?

The energy transition is becoming more unjust


 The report confirms that the number of people without access to electricity increased for the first time in over a decade, as population grew – ...

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Global grid infrastructure needs to more than double by 2050 to meet surging electricity demand


  DNV new power systems reportEconomic growth and the electrification of transportation, heating and industry are expected to result in a do...

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Australia continues to back gas while on road to net zero in Future Strategy report


Gas will continue to play ‘a critical role’ in Australia’s economy in the future, ‘underpinning jobs, investments and economic growth’, according to t...

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G7 nations agree to phase out coal by 2035… but with caveats


The latest meeting of ministers from the G7 nations Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and US, which account for 30% of global GDP and 21% ...

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Energy security concept needs to evolve in the renewables era, says IRENA


The report outlines a wide-ranging energy security concept for the 21st century, noting that the systemic nature of the energy transition requires a h...

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Events and training

Level 3: Advanced Energy Manager

30/09/2024 - 04/12/2024

This 9-day course is an advanced qualification aiming to support experienced energy managers to further advance their careers by gaining the skills an...

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Level 1: Certificate in Energy Management Essentials - October 2024

07/10/2024 - 11/10/2024

About:This introductory 5 day classroom course provides a comprehensive, practical overview of the fundamentals of energy management, equipping p...

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Technical guidance publications

Guidance on adapting combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power stations for hydrogen combustion


In line with the UK’s commitment to integrate 2–5% hydrogen into the national natural gas transmission system by 2025, this guidance docum...

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Research report: Application of life cycle assessment methodology to the understanding of the energy balance and efficiency of hydrogen value chain building blocks


This document is free to download for registered users.This publication explores the efficiencies of the hydrogen energy system and quantifies the ene...

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Best available techniques (BAT): Good practice for the oil and gas industry


This guidance has been produced to inform good practice when undertaking best available techniques (BAT) assessments for offshore combustion equipment...

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EI 1533 Quality assurance requirements for semi-synthetic jet fuel and synthetic blending components (SBC)


EI 1533 provides quality assurance requirements and recommendations for the manufacture of synthetic (jet fuel) blending components (in accordance wit...

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Guidance on ensuring control room operator (CRO) competence


This publication is free to download for registered users.Control room operators (CROs) perform a critical role in running normal operations, infreque...

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Energy management training

Effective energy management is now an essential aspect of all successful businesses. The Energy Institute offers a range of training and education packages to suit those involved in any form of energy management.

View our energy management brochure

Read our energy management brochure for further insight into the EI's suite of resources, designed to support anyone conducting energy management related activities.

Register of Professional Energy Consultants (RPEC)

The Register of Professional Energy Consultants (RPEC) is the UK’s only cross-sectoral register of energy consultants.

Chartered Energy Manager

Chartered Energy Manager is a title unique to the EI – it is not available from any other institution. Chartered Energy Managers also apply to become approved as an ESOS Lead Assessor.