Heat is the largest energy end-use with nearly 50% of global final energy consumption
Heat is an energy form crucial for determining the temperature, volume, and state of materials. It's transferred from warmer to cooler objects and produced through converting chemical or electrical energy. Essential for heating buildings, providing hot water, cooking, and industrial processes, heat significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Decarbonising heat is vital for emission reduction but is complex due to its varied production and use methods.
Unlike electricity, which can be decarbonised via renewable energy, heat requires changes at the point of use, often necessitating the replacement of gas or oil-fired boilers. A multifaceted approach is essential, involving electrification with heat pumps, sustainably-produced hydrogen, and district heating networks incorporating low-carbon sources and waste heat. Efficiency improvements in buildings' thermal performance and heating systems, alongside combined heat and power (CHP), can enhance the energy system's efficiency. However, public acceptance, high costs, and infrastructure needs are challenges.
Learn about the decarbonisation of heat by reading our Energy Insights.
Find out energy professionals’ expectations for the future sources of heat in the UK.
Learn more about the future of heat and its role in society by browsing our online New Energy World magazine records.
of additional investment needed to install low-carbon heating in existing UK homes from 2020-2050 as estimated by the Climate Change Committee (Department for Energy and Net Zero)
of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK is attributable to heating homes (Department for Energy and Net Zero)
global reduction in gas demand needed to heat buildings by 2030 due to heat pump uptake and energy efficiency improvements (IEA)
About 0%
of heating needs in buildings were met by heat pumps in 2023 (IEA)
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