
2024 spotlight: The energy transition

The energy transition is integrated into all of our work streams, and is core to the EI’s purpose. We also have dedicated committees focusing on key energy transition topics like Carbon capture, usage and storage.

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2024 spotlight: The energy transition

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What's new


Medical fitness assessment for wind turbine workers


This guidance document provides a framework to assist in undertaking the medical fitness assessment for personnel working in the wind energy sector. It aims to provide a consistent, industry-aligned approach to medical fitness evaluations, processes, terminology, and the interpretation of results. By doing so, it enables contractors and workers to transition seamlessly across providers through a fair and standardised assessment system.

The guidance has been developed by experienced clinicians, working and undertaking regular medical assessments in the onshore and offshore wind industry, and incorporates lessons learned from the wider offshore energy industry.

This guidance document relates to medical fitness assessments and not statutory health surveillance.




The quality of aviation fuel available in the United Kingdom annual survey 2018-2019


This report, jointly funded by the Coordinating Research Council (CRC) and the Energy Institute (EI), contains a summary of the data relating to the specification properties for AVTUR (Jet A-1) supplied in the United Kingdom during 2018-19.

The data, which have been supplied by oil companies and associated test houses for batches of aviation fuel released during 2018 and 2019, are expressed in the form of histograms and mean values graphically compared over the period 1986–2019.

This report is the 40th in a series of survey reports.




SafetyOn and G+ workshops report: Electrical safe system of work


SafetyOn and G+ have been working collaboratively with the EI to enhance safety protocols in the onshore and offshore wind industry through the Safe System of Work (SSOW) workshops. These workshops, attended by industry professionals including electrical engineers, authorising engineers, health, safety and environment (HSE) professionals, and training providers, focused on refining and standardising the WTSRs. The aim was to ensure a consistent and robust approach to safety that could be adopted globally across the wind industry. This report outlines the proceedings and findings from those workshops.




Offshore wind safety performance mixed amid record 61.9 million hours worked


New data published today by the G+ Global Offshore Wind Health and Safety Organisation, based at the Energy Institute, outlines a mixed picture in the 2023 Incident Data report as the industry’s operations grow and mature. Members of G+ - comprising the biggest offshore wind operators and wind turbine OEMs globally - reported 1,679 incidents in 2023, a 94% increase from 2022.


Media release


Hear from our EI members


Hear from our EI members, including Lisa Rebora FEI, Aleida Rios CEng FREng FEI, and Jim Rijks AMEI, about how the energy industry can benefit from being involved in the technical work that the Energy Institute carries out.

Watch here >>


EI Technical + Innovation key work areas

EI Technical + Innovation’s work can be divided into three overlapping themes, developed through member collaboration, dialogue with regulators, academia and wider stakeholders. Click each theme to discover last year’s highlights and this year’s activities.

The energy transition

Carbon capture usage and storage (CCUS)


Offshore wind

Onshore wind

Power systems

Health, safety and environment

Asset integrity and life extension

Environment and sustainability


Human and organisational factors

Process safety

Fuel quality and management

Aviation fuel handling

Correlation schemes

Crude oil voyage loss benchmarking

Fuel distribution

Hydrocarbon management

Test methods standardisation

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