L1: Energy auditing: Report writing



Member: £190.00 (excl. VAT)
Non-Member: £240.00 (excl. VAT)

To register for this event, please log in to the website or create an account.

About this course:

This online course provides an understanding of how to write an effective energy audit report.

It covers the aspects of effective report writing, the contents and style of report writing, as well as how reports are read and how this affect writing style.

It also provides an understanding of the approaches for presenting the report's findings, as well as how to make a business case to capitalise on prospective opportunities within your organisation.

This course is self-paced and can be started at any time.

Who should take this course:

This course is suitable for professionals of all levels of experience. No prior knowledge of energy management is required.

This course will be beneficial for those looking to develop their career in a variety of fields such as energy management, environmental/sustainability management, CSR, finance/procurement and estates/facilities management.


There is no assessment for this course.


Completion of this course results in the EI Level 1: Certificate in Energy auditing: report writing. 

This course also forms one of the modules of the EI's longer EI Level 1: Certificate in Energy Management Essentials course and qualification. If you would like to complete the full Level 1 qualification please visit the full course page (available in either classroom or online formats) to book.


Contact details

Training Team: webtraining@energyinst.org, 02074677178

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