AGM 2024/2025 (Annual General Meeting)

Branch event


18:00 - 19:30 UTC +8

KL Teaching Center, KL13 The University of Nottingham Teaching Centre, Level 2, Chulan Tower, No 3 Jalan Conlay, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA


AGM 2024/2025 (Annual General Meeting) 18:00 - 19:30

The Energy Institute MALAYSIA branch is organizing the Annual General Meeting of 2024/2025. The aim is to share annual progress and update on EIM activity. Thus, be part of the energy sector and participate in our upcoming event. Your contribution is invaluable.

For your information, we are conducting AGM2024/2025 via hybrid modes. You are required to register and indicate your EI membership number. Thank You for your RSVP and see you there

AGM 2024/2025 Agenda:

5.45 pm: Meeting Link open for Call-In and registration

6.00 pm: Opening Remarks & Presentation on EIM by the EI Malaysia Branch Chairman – Prof Ir Dr Mohd Shahir Liew [Sarawak Branch, Industry Player/Affiliation, Annual Events]

6.05 pm: Adoption of minutes 2023/2024 AGM

6.15 pm: Ice-breaking Session

6.25 pm: Session by Managing Director Asia Pacific, Mr Peter Godfrey

6.35 pm: Session by Vice Chairman, Dr Shawn Lim [Industry Player, YPN] and Chair Student Chapter, Dr Adlansyah Abd Rahman

6.50 pm: Engagement Session [2024 Activities, Financial Report by Prof Shahir – supported by Dr Baljit Singh A/L Bhatal Singh & Dr Noridah]

7.10 pm: -Proposal to amend Article 8: 8.1.vii co-opted member - Election & Announcement of New Co-opted Member

7.20 pm: AOB

7.30 pm: End of AGM 

We look forward to welcoming you at our up-coming AGM2024/2025

Contact details

Noridah Binti Osman:, +6019 6666251