Reservoir Microbiology Forum (RMF)


13/11/2024 - 14/11/2024

61 New Cavendish Street, London, W1G 7AR, UK

Non-Member: £499.00 (excl. VAT)
Member: £299.00 (excl. VAT)

To register for this event, please log in to the website or create an account.

Programme to be announced soon.

The RMF is an excellent multi-disciplinary platform that brings together oil producers, scientists, technologists, engineers, academics, and researchers from around the world to present, share, and discuss the widespread and versatile effects of microbes in oil reservoirs.

This respected forum provides a highly technical programme featuring the latest research and guidance on reservoir microbiology in oil fields, including biodegradation, bioremediation, and applications for oil recovery and enhancement.

Topics explored:

  • General Subsurface Microbiology
  • Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (fundamentals, mitigation strategies, modelling, and prediction)
  • Reservoir Souring (fundamentals, mitigation strategies, modelling, and prediction)
  • Microbial Control (fundamentals, mitigation strategies, modelling, and prediction)
  • Microbial and Chemical Monitoring
  • Produced Water Management
  • Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery and Microbial Upgrading
  • Reservoir, Fluid and Biofilm Modelling
  • Microbiology of Hydraulic Fracturing
  • Microbiological aspects of Hydrogen and CO2 Transport and Storage
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Role of microbiology in low carbon solutions
  • Other

Why should you attend RMF?

  • Increase the visibility of your work
  • Gain recognition for your technical knowledge and experience
  • Raise your company’s profile
  • Support the industry by sharing experiences that will benefit future microbial work

Thank you so very much for all of the incredible work that (goes into) the RMF meeting. Simply excellent in every way, and what a cutting-edge and dynamic group of!' - Professor Bruce Fouke, Director, Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Center, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Areas of work or research will include:

  • Microbiology and molecular biology
  • Production chemistry and engineering
  • Geochemistry and geophysics
  • Reservoir engineering
  • Material sciences
  • Computer modelling

The informal nature of this event makes it an excellent networking opportunity with delegates from all over the world representing companies, chemical suppliers, research institutes, universities, consultancies and service companies. Students are also encouraged to participate. The hybrid format will provide plenty of opportunities to interact with speakers and delegates, provide question and answer sessions, and access to written materials.

Join the RMF LinkedIn Group — stay in touch with other delegates and professionals in the industry.

Who attends?

As the effects of microbes in oil recovery are very widespread and versatile, this event will be of interest to all professionals and students working on issues resulting from the detrimental or beneficial impacts of microbes in oil recovery.

Registration fees:

  • EI Members - £299 + VAT
  • Non-members - £499 + VAT
  • Speakers (oral and poster) - £199 + VAT
  • Academic staff - £199 + VAT
  • Students - £120 + VAT

Members and non-members can book online. To book at one of the other rates, please contact for your promo code.

For discounted hotel rates, please use this link.

About RMF:

This event is run by the Energy Institute (EI) with the support of a small working group within the EI's Microbiology Committee. The current RMF working group members are:

  • Dr Anthony Mitchell, Equinor
  • Dr Bart Lomans, Shell Global Solutions International
  • Dr Carol Devine MEI, NCIMB
  • Dr Kenneth Wunch, Lanxess
  • Professor Ian M. Head, Newcastle University
  • Dr Lisa Gieg, University of Calgary
  • Dr Paul Evans, Chevron
  • Dr Renato De Paula, Solvay Oil & Gas  
  • Dr. Laura Machuca Suarez, Curtin Corrosion Centre

Supporting organisations:

Contact details

Events team:

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