EI LIVE | Greening energy service stations: A framework to meet UNSDGs



13:00 - 14:00



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J Hall

J Hall

Katy Baker

Katy Baker

The energy and fuel retail sector is one of many industries that will undergo considerable disruption in the next decade to meet the emerging challenges of climate change and the pressure to improve sustainability from both governance and clients. Owners and operators will need to understand the potential impact of their facilities on the environment and opportunities for improving their future asset resilience.

This webinar will provide an overview of the recently published Energy Retail Station Green Guide which is intended to serve as a practical – and where possible future-proofed – document for all stakeholders involved in energy and fuel retail produced in partnership with Arcadia and Artelia. Arcadis is the world's leading company, working in over 70 countries delivering sustainable design, engineering, and consultancy solutions for natural and built assets. Artelia UK is part of an international, multi-disciplinary consultancy, working in over 40 countries, specialising in the sectors of building construction, infrastructure, water, industry and environment.

This guidance provides a valuable toolkit for those looking at the nature of their retail site portfolio now and into the future, and written to help stakeholders determine the decisions that will have the greatest positive impact on their site operations.

Embedding measurable targets identified within the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) alongside guidance, highlights where industry-specific design, construction or operational decisions support the UN SDGs at any stage during the asset lifecycle, whether applied to the development of a new site or redevelopment of an existing asset, such as hybrid, EV and hydrogen retailing sites.

The UN SDGs include a wide range of measurable targets related to all aspects of sustainability – from contamination and effects on soil-water-sediment systems, emissions and direct environmental impact to social factors and safety. Specific examples of changes and innovation will be explored to show actions that can be implemented to directly affect sustainability goals throughout the asset lifecycle.

Speaker: Katy Baker

She is a chartered geologist at Arcadis with over 22 years’ experience as an environmental consultant. She has worked with the Energy Institute on a number of research publications over the past 15 years, including how the Environment Agency’s GP3 should be applied on retail sites and contaminated sediment assessment, and has now supported with development of the Green Guide for Energy Stations.

Speaker: Jay Hall

She is an environmental and sustainability researcher and author, with a background in academic research, geo-environmental assessments including for oil and gas assets, and sustainable development. Jay has presented at national and international conferences covering developments in geochemistry, palaeontology and climate modelling and has published work in peer reviewed journals as leading and co-author. Her particular focus at Arcadis is supporting our clients and our internal soil and groundwater team realise the opportunities which a drive to a sustainable society offers us all. She has particular depth of knowledge with the UNSDGs and how these can be supported in different sectors.

Contact details

Amy-Jane Lewis: ajlewis@energyinst.org, +44207467144